Whats On This Week
Every Sunday
Sunday Family Service including Children's Church Starting at 10:30am
PE4 Churches Prayer at 8am
7:30pm Way Family Prayer at The Church
Warm Welcome Coffee, Cakes and Fellowship at 10am
Youth at 6pm

Healing Evening Service
Last Sunday on everymonth
Join us at 7pm on the last Sunday of every month for our healing service.
A Church with a Vision
The Way Family Church is a member of the National Fellowship of Assemblies of God Churches in the United Kingdom. This Fellowship was established in 1924 to provide encouragement, relationship and oversight for several hundred like-minded churches who had emerged from a World-wide outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the early years of the Twentieth Century. Some significant centres of this move of God were in Azusa Street Los Angeles, All Saints Anglican Church in Sunderland and the Nation of Wales.
Subsequently there have been a number of major waves of the Holy Spirit across the Earth which have radically impacted Churches in different ways – a recent example being the “Toronto Blessing” of the mid 1990s. As a local church we seek to discover all that God intended in His promise to pour out His Spirit upon all people and, believing that He has kept the best wine until now we are anticipating a great influx of new believers to join His Bride before her Wedding Day.

Pastor David and Judith Weeks - Senior Leaders
Watch The Latest Service
Watch the Latest Service on YouTube and our Facebook page. All our previous sermons are also available on YouTube and Facebook.
Contact Us
To find out where we are click the Find Us link at the top of the page or click here.
The Way Church, Werrington Green,
Email: contactus@thewayuk.com (best method)
Tel: 07909 138836 (UK)